Home, School and Parish links
'St Joseph’s provides opportunities for spiritual growth, especially promoting strong partnership with parents’.
(Comment from Parent Questionnaire)
We believe that we share the role of educators of the faith with our parents. The RE Leader sends home half termly RE newsletters, which keep families informed and encourages them to be actively engaged in issues related to the RE curriculum and Catholic life. Parents are welcomed to assemblies, Masses and other liturgies and acts of worship, throughout the year. Parents are invited to participate in prayer together, in St Joseph’s Chapel.

We work closely with our local Parish and we value the partnership between home, school and parish and the wider community. Our choir sing for the First Holy Communion Mass at Our Lady of Dolours church. Parishioners are informed and welcomed to the whole school Masses in the Church and to class Masses, in the Chapel.
Home - school prayer kits are provided in order to develop our partnership with our parents. Our wonderful ‘Friends’ group are an invaluable link with our parents. Their contribution and hard work, through their fundraising and activities, has had a great impact on the life of the school. The Friends have recently purchased a beautiful Nativity Set for our reception area in the Pope Francis building.